Barkerend Road,
Bradford, Yorkshire BD3 0AB

01274 722981

Byron Primary School

Byron Primary School

Curriculum Intent


Byron Primary School serves a vibrant, ambitious and richly diverse Inner City Community, where the majority of children have English as an additional language. Many children live in areas of high deprivation and frequently experience stress and challenge. Many of our children have little or no access to the United Kingdom’s wider Cultural Capital. Many of our children have limited opportunity for physical activity and consequently suffer from high levels of obesity.

Our intention is to meet these needs through our carefully planned curriculum.


The Primary Curriculum

“The national curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.” The Primary National Curriculum in England

At Byron Primary School, we have worked together using the new framework for the National Curriculum in England to plan a curriculum that is enquiry and skills based.  It reflects the needs and interests of our children and is often inspired by those needs and interests.  It is, by its nature, an evolving and flexible curriculum, that provides a progressive development of skills and knowledge, and seeks to build on the prior knowledge and learning of the pupils at our school.  All pupils should be excited by the learning opportunities the curriculum provides, and be enabled to make good progress in an inclusive, nurturing and stimulating environment.  We seek to develop opportunities for pupils to become independent, take risks and be curious about the world they live in so that they will all become happy, successful and confident learners.





 Byron Primary School’s curriculum is Language Rich

Through our well-planned lessons, we help children to communicate their ideas using appropriate vocabulary using a range of methods. We develop and build confidence as communicators by providing high quality models, allowing us to decode our world, communicate across the globe and learn from the past. We strive to find ways to develop a life-long love of reading, promoting engagement and enjoyment.


 Byron Primary School’s curriculum is  Inspiring

Through a variety of approaches, which include theme days, educational visits, practical and real life experiences and outdoor learning, in our school and the local environment, teachers plan activities that engage and stimulate children’s learning whilst enriching the curriculum content in a creative, stimulating way. We aim to offer the children enriching experiences and diverse opportunities, through visits, visitors and clubs and develop aspirations for the future.



 Byron Primary School’s curriculum is Empowering

Children are taught to be effective, independent learners who develop 'LORIC' skills. This enables them to develop the resilience needed to be intrigued by their mistakes and enjoy challenge, whilst fostering a life-long love of learning.



 Byron Primary School’s curriculum is Challenging

At Byron, we believe that every child can learn and so we use appropriate challenge to enable every child to grow and progress in a language-rich environment. Children develop positive attitudes towards learning and are always eager to succeed and become the best learners that they can be.



 Byron Primary School’s curriculum is Inclusive

Byron Primary School is a highly inclusive mainstream school that caters for a diverse range of backgrounds, needs and abilities, in keeping with The Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.  We are commited to provide an inclusive curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils, regardless of any barriers to learning they may have. We are also commited to ensure that pupils with protected characteristics are included in our curriculum.



Byron Primary School’s curriculum is Nurturing

Our PSHCE curriculum allows children to explore issues and feelings in a safe environment. They learn how to keep themselves healthy (physically and emotionally), safe (in the real world and the digital world) and understand how to respect the views and beliefs of others. At Byron, we work hard to ensure that all our children are respectful and tolerant towards people with protected characteristics in keeping with The Equality Act 2010.



 Byron Primary School’s curriculum is Community-inspired

Here at Byron, we have a secure understanding of the need to work in close partnership with the children’s families and the local community in order to enhance our curriculum further. We aim to ensure that children develop a sound understanding of themselves and their place in the world around them, and we aspire to prepare them to be active citizens in adulthood.



Above all, we want our children to enjoy school and make the most of every opportunity given to them, making Byron “The Place To Learn” and a place where everyone grows together and creates happy memories.



Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum has been designed to create a balance between the National Curriculum statutory requirements and a range
of experiences which allow our pupils the opportunities to broaden their life experiences. Our curriculum provides our pupils
with experiences and opportunities which best meet their learning and developmental needs. Through clear strategic
planning, our curriculum provides not only memorable experiences but is rich in opportunities from which the children can
learn and develop transferable skills.
The acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills is carefully planned to create a purposeful and exciting learning
journey for every child, ensuring that 
milestones are met at key stages throughout their primary education.

Our vibrant and rich curriculum is designed so that the subject specific skills are scaffolded within a cross-curricular theme or context each term. Some subjects at times, by necessity, stand alone. This is in order to ensure that progression and balance is maintained. The medium term plans clearly highlight the learning objectives, links to prior learning and where possible, links to other subjects. Teachers plan and tailor units of work and lessons to address the specific individual needs of pupils using the progression of skills grids, so that all pupils are able to reach their full potential regardless of their starting point. 

Below is a table showing the themes  for each term’s work in our school.

The plans have been created to have a clear progression of skills in each subject, across and between the years. 

It should be noted, however, that it may be subject to change as we further develop and refine our Curriculum.


Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

At Byron Primary, the EYFS curriculum is designed to provide first hand learning experiences which allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. We follow the Early Adopter Early Years Foundation Stage framework in which all areas of learning are delivered through a play based approach, with a balance of adult led and child initiated activities. Throughout the foundation stage our planning ensures that each child has the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in every area at the appropriate developmental level. Our curriculum is based upon the topics detailed below as well as being inspired by the children’s own interests, making their learning personal, stimulating and engaging.


1)  All about me

2) Where I live

1) Forests and Woodlands

2) Food, glorious food

1) Down on the farm

2) Transport


1) We are amazing!

2) Celebrations and Festivals

1) Traditional tales

2) Fabulous Fantasy

1) Our living world

2) My absolute favourite

Year 1

"Looking Through My window ..."

Science - Senses, Seasons

ICT - E-safety, Media - using Book Creator.

History - Who the Victorians are.

What our school was like in the past.

Geography - Identify where in the World we live and explore our school grounds.

Art - Drawing - to create a drawing to make a class mural inspired by shapes and patterns in the environment.

D/T - Mechanisms - Sliders and Levers

REWhich books and stories are special?

 – How do we celebrate special events? (Christmas)

Physical - Gymnastics, Attack, Defend and Shoot, Active Play Times, Daily Mile

RHE - Being me in my world. Celebrating differences.

Music - Rapping and singing. Pitch.

"Toy Story"

Science - Everyday Materials, Seasons.

ICT - Pictograms, algorithms

History - Chronology of toys, interpretation of artefacts.

Geography - Locate countries on a World Map

Art - Printing

D/T - Textiles - Templates and joining techniques

RE - What does it mean to belong to a Church or Mosque?

Who brought messages about God and what did they say?

Physical - Dance, Send and Return , Active Play Times, Daily Mile, 

RHE - Dreams and goals.

Healthy me.

Music - Pulse and rhythm. Compose 3 note melody.

"Frozen Planet"

Science - Plants, Seasons, Animals.

ICT - Information Literacy

History - Life and achievements of Ernest Shackleton.

Geography - Locate continents, oceans, and poles on a World Map. Compare 2 different geographical areas.

Art - Sculpture

D/T - Food - Preparing fruit and vegetables

RE - How and why do we care for others?

Physical - Run, Jump and Throw. Hit, Catch and Run. Active Play Times, Daily Mile.

RHE - Relationships.

Changing Me.

Music - Perform, accompany using C + D, using a rhythm grid.

Year 2

"Perfect Parks and Brilliant Buildings"

Science - Living things and their habitats.

ICT - Information Literacy

Online Safety.

HistoryHow buildings in our local area have changed over time

What life was like in Stuart England

Geography - Human and physical features of the local area and changes over time.

Art - 3D art - class collage of local buildings

D/T - Structures - Freestanding structures

RE -How can we look after our planet?

  – How can we make good choices?

Physical - Gymnastics, Attack, Defend and Shoot, Active Play Times, Daily Mile.

RHE - Being me in the World.

Celebrating Difference.

Music - Pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics. 

Play an instrument in a group.

"I'm an Evacuee. Get me out of here!"

Science - Humans, animals and survival.

ICT - Using Excel graphs, creating sequenced commands

History - Evacuees, Winston Churchill, interpreting artefacts

Geography - Identify the 7 Continents, locate countries on World Map, comparing and contrasting town/countryside.

Art - Drawing techniques, tone and texture

D/T - Food - Preparing food that is healthy and varied

REHow is new life welcomed?

 – What did Jesus teach and how did he live? 

Physical - Dance, Send and Return, Active Play Times, Daily Mile.

RHE - Dreams and Goals.

Healthy Me.

Music - Rock and Reggae, pulse, improvise and compose simple pieces of music. 

"The Chocolate Story"

Science - Plants, Use of everyday materials

ICT - Media

History - Events beyond living memory that are significant globally - discovery of chocolate.

Geography - Locate cocao growing countries on World map, Human and physical features of Brazil.

Art - Graphics

D/T - Mechanisms - Wheels and axles

RE - How and why do people pray?

Physical - Run, Jump and Throw, Hit, Catch and Run, Active Play Times, Daily Mile.

Music - Singing in 2 parts, Classical music.

       Year 3

"What a performance! - Bradford Theatres"

Science - Light, Forces and magnets.

ICT - Online Safety, Media.

History - Use a range of sources to research how theatres have changed over time.

Geography - Fieldwork - observing, measuring and recording the physical and human features of the City Centre.

Art - Sculpture, Art appreciation - Dianne Cross

D/T - Mechanical systems - linkages and levers

RE - How do people express spirituality?

Physical - Gymnastics, Football, Handball, Swimming, Daily Mile, Forest School.

RHE - Being me in my World.

Celebrating Difference.

Music - Learn a musical instrument (recorder), musical notation.

"Terrible Tudors"

Science -Rocks and precious stones.

ICT - Power Point presentations, creating word documents with text box and images.

History - The Tudor Monarchy, interpreting secondary and primary sources of evidence and different accounts of history.

Geography - Comparing the knowledge of the World over time, identifying the 7 Continents and 5 Oceans on a map. Locating countries, using 8 points of a compass and 4 figure grid references.

Art - Drawing skills, developing intricate patterns and marks, experimenting with different grades of pencil.

D/T - Food - Healthy and varied diet

RE -What do creation stories tell us?

  – What do Christians believe about a good life?

Physical - Dance, Tag Rugby, Netball, Swimming,  Daily Mile, Forest School

RHE - Dreams and Goals.

Healthy Me.

Music - Reggae, identify instruments, themes and structures in songs.

"The Vanishing Rainforests"

Science - Flowering plants.

ICT - Computer Science

History - Use evidence from a range of sources, Aztecs.

Geography - Locate on Google Earth, physical features and climate zones.

Art - Painting, Art appreciation.

D/T - Textiles - 2D shape to 3D product

RE - How do Jews remember God’s covenant with Abraham and Moses?

Physical - Outdoor Adventure Activities, Cricket, Athletics, Rounders, Swimming, Daily Mile, Forest School.

RHE - Relationships.

Changing Me.

Music - Pulse, rhythm,pitch, melody. Music styles. Musical theory concepts.

Year 4


Science - Electricity, Sound.

ICT - Online Safety, Data Handling.

HistoryLife in Victorian Bradford and the mill industry

Life of Sir Titus Salt and his legacy

Geography - Human and physical features of Saltaire. Map skills.

Art - Painting  - Art appreciation - David Hockney and using his style to paint a Saltaire landscape.

D/T - Electrical systems - simple circuits and switches

RE - How are important events remembered?

Physical -  Gymnastics, Football Handball, Daily Mile, Forest School.

RHE - Being me in my World.

Celebrating Difference.

Music - Perform, features of songs,  musical vocabulary, musical notation, play a musical instrument.


"Plastic Fantastic?"

Science - States of Matter/materials including plastic, living things and their habitats.

ICT - Word documents using a banded quote text box and manipulating images. Computer science - coding.

History - Plastic Pioneers - Alexander Parkes and Nathaniel Wyeth.

Geography - Plastic pollution and its effects on UK coastlines.

Art - 3D sculptures using recycled, natural and man-made materials.

D/T - Mechanical systems - Pneumatics

REWhat faiths are shared in our country

  – How do the Five Pillars guide Muslims?

Physical - Dance, Tag Rugby, Netball, Daily Mile, Forest School. 

RHE - Dreams and goals.

Healthy Me.

Music - Compare and contrast music with similar themes, compose music, write lyrics.

"Journey Down The Nile."

Science - Animals, Humans.

ICT - Data Handling

History - Knowledge of people / places in the past - Ancient Egypt. Howard Carter.

Geography - Key features of rivers and influences on settlements. Map skills.

Art - Drawing.

D/T - Food - Healthy and varied diet

RE - Why are Gurus at the heart of Sikh belief and practice?

Physical - Outdoor Adventure Activities, Cricket, Rounders, Athletics, Daily Mile, Forest School.

RHE - Relationships.

Changing Me.

Music - Musical styles, simple notation, play an instrument, sing 2 part harmony.

Year 5

"In The Distance ... "

Science - Living things and their habitats. Animals including humans.

ICT - Online safety. Media.

History - Knowledge of people in the past - Bronte sisters and why they are still famous today.

 Development of health care from Victorian era - Edward Jenner, Mary Secole, Florence Nightingale.

GeographyHow and why the village of Haworth has changed over time.  Where would you rather live Bradford or Haworth?

Art - Drawing - Perspective drawings of Haworth and the Local Area

D/T - Structures - shell structures

RE - Should we forgive others?

Physical - Gymnastics, Football, Handball, Daily Mile, Forest School.

RHE - Being me in my World.

Celebrating Difference.

Music - Sing in unison and backing vocals. Rock / Jazz music.

Energy Heroes

Science - Forces, electricity

ICT - Using search engines - interpreting and validating the information.

History - Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Humphrey Davy - Who is the biggest Energy Hero and why?

Geography - Fossil fuels - natural resources - locating on maps and atlases. Conserving energy supplies - Sanso (Denmark) - Energy Island.

Art - Painting 

D/T - Electrical systems - simple programming and control

RE - Why are journeys and places special?

Physical - Dance, Tag Rugby, Netball, Daily Mile, Forest School

RHE - Dreams and Goals.

Healthy Me.

Music - Ballads / Hip Hop - structure and style indicators. Sing in time, in tune and with expression.


Science - Properties and changes of materials.

ICT - Computer Science. Media.

History - Rise of the Roman Empire. Life in Ancient Rome and its impact on Britain today.

Geography - Comparison of Rome to UK. Trade links - growth of an Empire. Volcanoes.

Art - Sculpture

D/T - Food - Celebrating culture and seasonality

RE - What values are shown in codes of living?

Physical - Outdoor Adventure Activities, Cricket, Athletics, Rounders, Daily Mile, Forest School.

RHE - Relationships.

Changing Me.

Music - Motown. Perform and compose.

Year 6



Science - Adaptation, animals and plants

ICT - Online safety. Media.

History - Local history study of Whitby Abbey.

Geography - Coastal settlements. The impact of coastal erosion on Whitby. Map skills.

Art - Drawing - Gothic art and architecture

D/T - Mechanical systems (with links to structures and electrical systems) - Pulleys and gears. 

RE  – How do Jews remember the Kings and Prophets in worship and life?

Physical - Gymnastics, Football, Handball, Daily Mile, Forest School.

RHE - Being Me.

Celebrating Difference.

Music - Perform in tune, in time, following instructions. Classical music. Play instrumental parts.

"Crime and Punishment"

Science - Light and electricity

ICT - The validity and plausibility of information from the Internet. Programming - Scratch.

History - Chronology  - How Britain has been policed over time and how punishments for theft have changed.

Geography - Comparing crime rates in different counties, cities and regions of the UK - map work. Field Study - graffiti.

Art - Painting - Street Art

D/T - Textiles - Combining different fabric shapes

RE - How do Sikhs show commitment?

Physical - Dance, Tag Rugby, Netball, Daily Mile, Forest School

RHE - Dreams and Goals.

Healthy Me.

Music - Style, structure and themes of songs. Recording using musical notation. Play an instrument.

"From Mountains to Marathons"

Science - Animals including humans.

ICT - Data Handling.

History - Chronology of Olympic Games. Evaluating evidence  - Ancient Greek Gods and Godesses.

Geography - Mountains. Greece and Mount Olympus.

Art - Sculpture

D/T - Food - Celebrating culture and seasonality. 

RE - How does growing up bring responsibilities and commitment?

PhysicalOutdoor Adventure Activities, Cricket, Athletics, Rounders, Daily Mile, Forest School.

RHE - Relationships.

Changing Me.

Music - Appraise different styles of music. Tempo/timbre/rhythm. Compose a rap to a given beat.

For further information about skills progression see subject pages.

Curriculum Enhancement

At Byron Primary, we provide a variety of extra-curricular activities for pupils that enhance their learning experiences.

The activities range from after-school clubs, to educational trips, visits and visitors. Our intent is to enhance pupils’ learning experiences, form personal connections between pupils and their peers; create opportunities for pupils to try new experiences; and teach skills essential for life after school.

Our intent is to ensure that all activities and events enhance our curriculum and are reviewed annually to ensure that they meet the needs, interests and talents of our pupils.

In addition to year group learning, we regularly engage in whole school initiatives to excite the whole community. These complement the curriculum, promote community and encourage engagement with families. Examples include the World of Work, Anti-Bullying & Online Safety Weeks, Science Week, Engineering Week and many charitable events including our work with Bradford Food Bank, Children in Need and Odd Socks Day .

Curriculum Impact

Pupils leave Byron Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and globally aware; how to make positive contributions to the local area and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. We aim for all of our children to leave Byron as respectful, tolerant, skillful and ambitious individuals, with the motivation and passion to continue to learn and with a thirst for life and all it has to offer.


At Byron Primary, the impact of our curriculum is shown in several ways.


We use regular and robust triangulated monitoring to evaluate the impact of our curriculum design. Leaders at all levels review learning, talk with our children and provide feedback to move practice forward.

In the wider curriculum, pupil voice shows that pupils are confident and able to talk about what they have learnt using subject specific vocabulary. Pupil voice also demonstrates that pupils enjoy and are able to recall their learning over time. Pupils work demonstrates that the curriculum is taught at an age appropriate standard across each year group with opportunities planned to ensure that all children are able to achieve their true potential irrespective