School Aims and Mission Statement
Our School Mission Statement has been updated in recognition of the need to ensure that the values and ethos of Byron Primary School best meet the needs of our children. (March 2016)
We intend to ensure that the children at Byron Primary School are…
1. Successful learners who achieve to their full potential and who are ambitious in their aspirations.
2. Confident, happy individuals who are kind, considerate and creative and who persevere in order to achieve their goals.
3. Responsible members of our community who make a contribution to our inclusive society and who are respectful towards other people and towards the environment.
Mission Statement
Working in partnership with our Parents and Carers we are committed to ensuring that all our children achieve to their full potential.
We are determined to raise standards of attainment in all curriculum areas through the consistent high quality of our Teaching and of our Provision.
We recognise the vital importance of early learning at home and of developing oracy throughout school.
We will provide a stimulating school environment that equips all our children with the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure that they are best prepared to confidently face their futures. As a part of this we will ensure that our children have the necessary skills and understanding to resiliently and consistently make safe and healthy choices in order to prepare them for life in modern Britain.
Through our rich culturally relevant curriculum we shall engender a love of learning and a desire to succeed. We will promote the British values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
We will happily celebrate the children at Byron Primary School; their achievements and their communities.